>>>> Bersi is a nice horse and has very natural gaits, has since a baby.

I thought he looked like a doll.  He reminded me of Brunka and/or Eitill.  I
think most of us would be quite happy with a horse who gaits like him.

>>>> but I think it is also okay to faster and not feel guilty if your horse
is not always in the perfect balance frame.

I hope so!  I know I'm not always in perfect form - ok, I'm NEVER in perfect
form - and I know my horses aren't.  That's really not even my goal.  But if
we know what's good (good meaning healthy for the horse more than simply
comfortable for the rider) at least we know how to compensate to some
degree.  For instance, I think it's probably ok for most of us trail riders
to slip into a step pace all along, if the horse is comfortable doing it -
as long as the horses get plenty of time in healthier gaits.

>>>> We do see many more photos from this list of people just walking their
horses or alone if going faster (harder to video horses in a group).

It's almost impossible to get good videos of horses gaiting at speed on the
trail...at least for me.  I have trouble holding a camera when I'm walking -
I'm just not that coordinated.   When I send in my gait videos, I usually
limit them to 5-10 seconds.  If you are standing in a good position for
filming, the horse will be out of range in about that time.

I also do most of my videoing at our farm.  We don't gait much on our own
trails.  We are unbelievably lucky to have some private, shady trails, but
because they are private, they quickly cover with falling leaves, and that
covers any emerging stump or root holes.  We don't risk our horses legs by
gaiting on questionable ground.  We can gait on our driveway, but with wood
fence on both sides, it's hard to stand such that you can actually video
what the horse is doing.  So, there are only about three places here where
we feel comfortable cantering or gaiting...and I'm sure by now you've seen
them all in my videos.

Karen Thomas, NC

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