On 26/08/07, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> with all mine I am lucky if I can get rid of them in the pasture :)  I
> have to yell and flap my arms around cause it makes me nervous with
> them all glommed around me so close cause then they start fighting
> over me and flattening ears and lungeing to bite or swinging to kick
> one anotehr out of jealousy and I have to chase them away.

That's cute.  Actually I find this rather endearing.

Peppy will flatten his ears and will walk at attention right beside
me...If I don't get the hint, he'll position himself directly in front
of me as though I were driving him..
Anyone looking at us would think that he's positioning himself to kick
me, but he's harmless, he's just wishing someone would strap his
harness on him so he can perform like the star he is.


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