>>> An upright shoulder may cause a rough, inelastic ride due to the high
> knee action. It increases concussion on front limbs, possibly promoting 
> the
> development of DJD or navicular disease in hard-working horses. The stress
> of impact tends to stiffen the muscles of the shoulder, making the horse
> less supple with a reduced range of motion needed for long stride reach. 
> <<

> So, I have to ask, why would gaited horses need a conformation that may 
> "may
> cause a rough, inelastic ride"?  And a "reduced range of motion"...?
> MAYBE...because of the next phrase, "due to the high knee action"...?
> Next question...why does the FEIF promote knee action?  What do the horses
> gain from knee action?
> Is it in the best interest of those of who are in search of a 
> smooth-gaited
> trail horse?

Well, check out the video of the Icelandics at the WC doing the champagne 
glass thing....

The glasses were not filled (half the glass of bubbles at the top).

As the horses move, you can see the liquid sloshing around in the glass.

The ride that those Icelandics and those riders are doing is not smooth as 
should be, and as promoted for the breed.


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