Hi Janice

   But Pat Parelli and Satcie Westfall and
> Lynn
> Palm have been doing that for years and even judy on this list did
> it
> way before that guy.  He probably stole it from us :)  hey, we're
> trendsetters!  yay.  maybe theres some other good stuff they can
> learn
> from us!

My sister Linda introduced brideless riding to Germany in about 1979 and
they were astounded.  They have been using it at Reken in Germany and
selling the neck rings since they started teaching TTEAM in the early 80's.
Linda had been teaching it for about 20 years before that and mostly got the
ideas from what she did as a child and from watching lots of cowboy and
Indian shows.  Nothing new just recycled....

Icelandic Horse Farm 
Robyn Hood & Phil Pretty
Vernon BC Canada


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