On Tue, Sep 04, 2007 at 11:02:22AM -0500, Janice McDonald wrote:
> I am not sure either.  I had a history professor who was a Little Big
> Horn/Custer buff.  He took us to his home, where he had a locked room
> containing stuff I really would have thought you'd find in a museum.
> he had a lock.of custer's hair (it really was yellow!), a letter from
> custer to his family, many guns, a tomahawk (the weight and leverage
> of it would make it easy to kill someone), many many indian artifacts,
> a lot of this stuff was not just from little big horn so could have
> been from elsewhere, but I was very impresed with the stirrups, not
> just that they were carved, but were very glossy and worn where a foot
> would have rested, and he had some stuff from Abraham Lincoln, letters
> etc and an actual scalp.  yikes.

eek for the scalp!  that would totally creep me out.  the rest of the
collection sounds extremely cool, i'm glad he was a teacher and shared
that with his students.


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