I have decided to offer my mare Emmy for sale. I feel our trails are 
just to hard for her. We live on the side of very VERY steep mountain 
and all our riding is exterme..NO gentle slopes or flat riding..sigh....

She is for sale to an approved home only.. no beginners or people not 
familier with Icelandics..she has had a rough time as NO ONE paid 
attention to the fact she had a very sore back hence she was sometimes 
unruly under saddle, nothing mean just enough to let you know something 
was hurting. No one in her previous owner ship or history made any 
attept to find out the cause. Which was a very mislalinged back! SHe is 
quite diferent now she had a treatment from a very well know equine 
chiropractor. But I am sure she will need periodic adjustmens as her 
back was out for so long. 

I just feel our type of riding is to hard for her...even our driveway 
to get down to the road is so steep none of my friends will even ride 
down it. You can only drive up the last part in 4x4. 

We are in no hurry to sell her, my goal is to find a home where she 
will be appreciated and well looked after and with someone who has the 
commpassion to listen to horses.

She jumps right in the horses trailer and has wonderful ground manners. 
I have been trimming her feet (barefoot) and she is wonderful for that. 

I do have pictures I could email.

Please EMAIL me as I do not come on here to often. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Zoe in BC

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