>>>> Thanks Robin, I always call it a double bridle even though I know
better!   It was a weird choice, and yes Eloise is using the upper rein....

Skye, this is a prime example of why I ask so many questions about your
posts.  Yesterday, you said this horse was being started in a double bridle.
Then Robyn H corrected that impression, saying the trainer uses a bit with
two reins.  Now, you say the trainer only uses the snaffle rein, not even
two reins...which is a LONG way away from a double bridle, and MIGHT even be
more akin to starting a horse with a Kimberwicke or similar.   Please, make
a bigger effort to use terms correctly.  Another example was the reference
to Iceland as a "very big place" in one e-mail, followed almost immediately
with another post where you referred to Iceland as "a tiny country".   Two
years ago, you posted that Baldur was sterile due to steroid use, and when
we questioned it back then, you said it is a common problem in ALL sports,
human and equine.  (It's in the archives.)  Yesterday, you implied that he
was only given steroids as a treatment for injuries - not what you said two
years ago.  I'm sure some people thought I came down on you strongly about
your Parelli questions earlier this week, but that wasn't the first time
I've seen you say, "I don't know much about Parelli", followed almost
immediately by an "I don't like Parelli" post.  I can't even list all the
instances where this has happened over the years you've been on the lists,
and it wears me out.  It always seems to me that you just pop up to stir up
arguments, talking in circles.  Words are the main way we can communicate
with e-mail, so it's imperative that we at least TRY to be clear in our
posts.  I'm sure all of us have made typos, even mistakes, but I'm not sure
you would have ever corrected this "double bridle" mistake, had I not
questioned it and Robyn not known what you were talking about.  I would
seriously hate for a newbie to believe that it's "ok" to start an Icelandic
with two bits in his mouth.   I only respond to the things you write...if I
can't depend on your words being accurate any more than I'm seeing, I
suppose I just need to hit "delete" any time I see a post from you.  I just
hate to see troubling ideas presented, unchallenged, to live in the archives

I have a lot of patience with newbies, and with people who are sincerely
trying to learn and make progress.  I have almost zero tolerance for trolls,
and for people who intentionally talk in circles.  If you aren't a troll and
aren't intentionally talking in circles, then please, try to be more
accurate in what you say.

Karen Thomas, NC

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