On 9/5/07, Nancy  Sturm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So - "float" is just a loose lead?  Like a dog at heel? and the leash
> falling in a "J"?
> Endurance horses have to do that in order to get a good natural trot out for
> soundnes.  If the lead is taut, you can inhibit their movement.
> Nancy

yes, exactly, and Leslie Desmond talks about it on her cds etc.  Its a
dorrance thing I think.  But basically a horse WANTS to follow float,
actually follows that, not the tugging, he only follows the tugging to
receive the release of the float.  So instead of a taut line or tug
when they fall behind or go forward you should just barely almost
invisibly have a little sublte pulll and they instantly move into it
and you give them the float to follow.  I am probably explaining it
wrong.  i just know my fox was dragging me across the yard like a
water skier and I thought i would just try this on him and to my
absolute amazement he acted like he had wanted me to do this all the
time.  I even had him load into a trailer willingly the first time by
doing "follow the float".  So much of dorrance is so subtle.  He was a
master horseman unequaled in our age i think...
yipie tie yie yo

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