--- Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you watch the videos now?

I can but it takes too long to load on my laptop, I have to use my
super fast desktop, but I only use that when the sun is up or the
generator is on, and most of my emailing is done in the early am with
my coffee.......

> If so, did you see my banana trees?
> They're in the back, behind the big avocado tree, near the fence on
> the left 
> (sort of behind the horse's butt at the beginning of the video).

I will go and watch it.  Our Avocados this season are amazing....I
have picked about 10 different varieties along our road these past 3
months...We have had a lot of Avo sandwiches and Avo everything, it
has been a nice luxury.

> Also you mentioned using body language with a horse, and in this
> little  video, I'm using it to move the horse around:

I will go and watch that too......yesterday we were shoeing under a
Jacaranda Tree, with 2 horses tied to the tree....so I spent a little
time moving horses with my body, there was a mare in season and all
the Ranch Geldings were in a fuss.  Sally gets to go on cattle drives
every Saturday for the next few months......she is pretty happy about
that.  She gets to see old growth native hawaiian forests on these
cattle drives which are on the SE slopes of Mauna Loa.....its on a
cattle ranch that has been there since 1860.....

We will be bringing a couple of our babies home for a month, so when
they are here hopefully I can get some video of them.  When we go see
them at the ranch they are so happy we are there they stand around us
and graze...not much action, but when they are here I will try to get
some video with my camera.



      ~~~~Fire Island Farms~~~~
Breeding Quality Icelandic Trail Horses 

             Certified Farrier Services
          'Natural Balance' Shoeing and Trimming.
         Founder, Navicular options for your horse.



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