here we have different types.  we have little bats the size of a mouse
and then we have these things we call "Bull Bats" but I think their
official name is something weird like "Night hawk" or something.  They
are HUGE and like the batman bat.  I had a brother who died, he was a
commercial fisherman, and he had an old beatup truck with no
windshield that he would drive down to the docks in sometimes.  One
morning before daylight he was going pretty fast and a huge bull bat
ran into his non-existent windshield and hit him in the forehead.  So
much for bats exceptional radar abilities :)  My brother always told
it so funny, how he ran off the road freaking out with the bat flappin
around his head haha
oh well.  thats a florida cracker story :)
yipie tie yie yo

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