I am probably the most structured person on the face of the earth - the
perfect mother for an autistic child, although Ron might  disagree.

I feed at exactly the same time each morning and evening.  The horses have
become so accostomed to the schedule that they will be standing in the barn
waiting for me.

Hunter lives up the road and I drive up at 5:00 am and 5:00 pm to give him a
supplemental feed.  He's either waiting at the gait or waiting for sight of
the van.  It's pretty cute.  He's in a pasture with three other geldings.
They might all be at the far end grazing.  Only Hunter raises his head and
canters to the gait.  The others obviously know there's nothing in it for

When we leave, we do have a horse sitter come in.  We have a wonderful
arrangement right now.  The teenage brother of one of the two girls who come
in to care for the kids comes along.  He helps with the lifting and does all
the farm chores.  The only thing we sometimes change is that we usually feed
the horses in their stalls and then come along later to let them out.
Rather than have Nate handle the orses, we have him feed them outside.


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