In a message dated 9/27/2007 10:07:56 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,  

I am a  clip girl. I love being able to take the reins
off if needed. That's just  me.

As I am sure you already know, the presence of clips on your reins is an  
important safety feature, too.  Drop your reins or get separated from your  
for some reason, horse steps through reins, and you will be glad you have  
breakable clips on the ends of the reins.  That's why I like scissors  snaps 
best.  A really strong yank will straighten the tips and spring  them open.
In a somewhat infamous incident at Bryce Canyon in Utah written up in  
Endurance News in 2004, I and several other people were separated from our  
when a group of runaways came up a steep single track trail along a  cliffside. 
 When I hiked back up to try to find my horse, I was very glad  to find my 
reins lying on the trail with the scissors snaps broken.  I knew  Skjoldur at 
least wouldn't break his leg or fall off the mountainside after  stepping 
through his reins.  He ultimately found his way back through the  maze of 
trails 25-30 miles back to camp.  He never would have  made it if the reins 
hadn't broken off.
John Parke
Solvang, CA

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