--- In IceHorses@yahoogroups.com, "Nancy  Sturm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Coming three year old?  We don't start our horses that young.  
That means,
> to be in that bit, he was probably started at two or shortly after.

I think they start them in those bits, they do usually start them at 
two years old, so it's likely he was started at that age.

> The rider is quiet in her seat
> and hands, 

I think she is holding him in too hard, not giving him his head. 

>This could very well
> be the only place her saddle will allow her legs to fall.

I think these cutback saddles (and it looks like one) make you sit 
that way, it's sort of hard to sit in a more balanced position, not 
that it's an excuse really, there are other saddles.
> If I were looking for that type of horse, I might go look at him.  
He seems
> like a good sport.

I think they tend to be nice horses, good temperament.


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