in watching mine, I notice they more often sorta do a rude
encroachment into another's space to show they are boss.  Not always a
lunge and a bite or kick, but rudeness.  makes me wonder how often
they perceive us as being rude, when we do things we dont even think

I read once that a horse will "ask" permission to be recognized, they
will approach to the side near the shoulder and wait for a sign that
they may approach.  I have done this many times with horses and it
rarely fails.  They will ignore me the first few seconds then give a
quick turn of the head, a glance, thats almost a nod like "you may
greet me" and then I step to the head and hold my hand out, lower my
head.  Sometimes Jaspar will turn and not touch me, but stand with his
nose to me, and lick and chew.  Like he is greeting me back.  He seems
to barely tolerate it when I throw my arms around his back legs and
kiss his rump loudly several times in a row, but doesnt walk away,
like he understands, sigh, I like to do these strange behaviors
mimicking predators haha.

yipie tie yie yo

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