On Fri, Oct 19, 2007 at 10:49:32AM -0700, Judy Ryder wrote:
> Ride with your fingers under the front of the saddle
> (between the saddle and the horse's skin / coat),
> where the saddle contacts the horse (not the gullet
> area).  

i just happened to ride in my hrimnir again the other day,
and am pleased to report that it still passes this test on
stjarni.  (my fingers were cold and i forgot my gloves :)

the hrimnir *is* too big for me in the leg (i'm short, and
apparently icelandic folks tend to be leggy).  but it doesn't
matter so much until i try to ride in half-seat.  of course 
we just had a water jump installed, so i just had to try it...!


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