Hello All,
My name is Pamela Nolf and I am a new member to the group.  I live in 
the Bremerton, WA, area (a 1 hour ferry ride almost directly west 
across the Puget Sound from Seattle).  I moved here from the 
Philadelphia area about 1 1/2 years ago.  My Icelandic horse is named 
Blessi and I have been lucky enough to have him for 3 years.  He is 11 
years old and was an import from Iceland.  He is a 14.1 hand flaxen 
I am one of those women who turned 50 and realized Santa was never 
going to bring me a pony and I better do something about it.  I had had 
some English riding lessons in my 40s but had never really ridden 
before.  I am a beginning rider and had my Icelandic for almost 2 years 
and never rode him faster than a walk.  With the help of a local 
Icelandic trainer, I have overcome my fear of speed and started tolting 
and troting last summer.  I am still looking at re-learning how to 

Blessi is a wonderful horse--sometimes stubborn but always takes care 
of me. I look forward to evaluating him on the horseality chart. We 
both participated in our first horse show last year.  I was so nervous 
I was shaking.  Nothing about the show upset Blessi--except for the 
first time in the arena when the applause started up at the end of the 
class.  He took 3 small, slow side steps and came right back under 
control.  We were participating in the novice tolt class and I had 
permission to ride the class at a walk--it was a small class.  Well the 
announcer said "Put your horse into a tolt" and Blessi must have 
thought he heard the "Big Trainer in the Sky" say tolt and he went into 
a beautiful smooth tolt--which is strange because he prefers trot over 
tolt.  Anyway, my fear caught up with me and I checked him to a walk.  
We should have gone with it.

Anyway, I look forward to learning from the group.  I have been lurking 
for the past 2 days. I have really enjoyed hearing about everyone's 
horses and experiences.

Regards, Pamela
PS A note about Blessi's name.  If you know Icelandic, it is really 
Blesi for blaze.  However, when I first got Blessi, I got a piece of 
jewelery made with his name on it and spelled it as Blessi.  Since I 
don't want to admit I made a mistake, I have been calling him Blessi--
you can call him Blesi or Blaze.  He doesn't care as long as he gets a 

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