I took my second lesson on Andi today.  It was so much
fun - 100times better than the first lesson this past
Monday.  I went around the round pen a few times. Here
we are just walking:

Then we went on and trotted:

Then Josh tacked up his horse and we headed out on the
trail.  Josh let me lead, and he stayed pretty far
away from me.  We climbed a huge hill, or a small
mountain, and Andi picked his way carefully around the
rocks and I was able to guide him around the brush. 
We took a break at the top to let Andi catch his
breath, and headed across and down the other side. 
Andi again, carefully picked his way down hill and I
was able to let him do it all on a loose rein.  He is
going to be a fantastic trail horse!  Tomorrow
(Friday) I go for my last lesson and to bring him home.

Susan in NV   
  Nevermore Ranch http://users.oasisol.com/nevermore/

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