>The Calm and Cool pellets help a horse be more calm

Valium, a small cocktail, Ativan can help the rider be more calm and 
therefore, the horse responds likewise. I find more people activate the 
loonie, spookie side of horses and if they started the ride out more 
relaxed, then the horse responds likewise. I had a friend who was recovered 
from a femur  fracture, compound in fact and required her be airlifted out 
of her predicament to a hospital to have it surgically repaired, then 7 
months later she is trying to trail ride with us on a walk only ride that 
was not hard to ride, she was a basket case and ended up going back to her 
camper in only an hour time. The next day she decided to get herself 
something that would relax her so she could ride the horse without worry, 
she had a bloody mary with breakfast, and we went on a 4 hour ride crossing 
railroad tracks, multiple water crossings, and her horse didn't hesitate at 
all. We told her what was wrong during the first ride so she could try to 
calm herself on the next attempt. No more problems. She wasn't aware she was 
so tense on her first ride that it was scaring her horse. She was kicking 
her pasture buddy behind her and biting the horses in front, none of this is 
tipicle of her horse and she only got more upset when her horse got upset, 
to start the cycle of fear. I have lived through a similar situation and it 
took my friends to help me through the anxiety of riding the horse I got 
hurt on by sharing the same things we told my girlfriend when she road. And 
I just want to say that I belong to the candy a-s riding club, so I am far 
from a brave or dangerous rider. Jeannette

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