>>As for blood, I think someone told me they use
>>horse blood to make certain anti venoms or something??
>>yipie tie yie yo
> Horse and sheep blood is used to make rattlesnake antivenin.

Not in Iceland as we don´t have any snake´s or scorpions either the "Blood 
mare´s" has to be pregnant (that´s why we get lot´s of foals) and you put 
stallion to the herd in June and then in late august beginning of september you 
start to take blood from the mare´s that are pregnant they are after the hormon 
we produce when we (animals) are pregnant and you take 3-5 litre each time with 
a week between up to seven time´s each mare.

people that are into breeding riding horses with high evaluated mare´s did try 
this on their mare´s but you have to have at least 20 mare´s that are on the 
same time in their pregnany to that it pay´s off for the veterinary to come out 
and take blood and then some folk´s talked about that they didn´t like it done 
to mare´s that are very valuble ect.ect. so most blood farmers have around 
50-60 mare´s or more and it´s a lot of work with it in the autumn.
and the foals are bi-product. onefarmer that i know do try to get 1 prize 
stallions on he´s trained mare´s and hopinng to sell the foals easier then 
butas the market is here you don´t sell all and the rest often end´s up in the 
slaughter house

Regards Malin in Iceland 

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