>>>>> "Further improvements come through greater transparency."
> If we know all the facts... we can cut to the chase and really make
> progress in what we are attempting to do.

Yes, I think that's right.

If we have to spend time figuring out what's myth, what's truth, it wastes 
valuable time that could be spend otherwise.

In our case, I think the transparency refers to open communication between 
Iceland and us.

Is it advantageous for Iceland to pass on the myths?  Not to the horse.

In the case of the horses eating fish, yes, it has been done.  I think 
someone made a choice to say that it wasn't done, that it was only a saga. 
Why?  I don't know.

If we can't have transparency between Iceland and us, we have to keep in 
mind to always ask "why" when presented with a statement such as "Icelandic 
Horses eat fish", or that Icelandic Horses are not ponies, or that they need 
special icelandic saddles, etc.

In the case of the horse eating fish, we have to search out the reason why 
they did so, for things to make sense and progress from there.  Is it for a 
specific reason?  Is that reason valid for us?  If not, we can just toss it 
out, and move on.  Same with the pony deal, or the icelandic saddle or 
noseband situation.

If we use our common sense, questioning, and our increasing knowledge of 
horses and horsemanship, we will be able to wade thru the myths and come to 
a place of being a benefit to our horses.


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