but then I think you should subtract a point for each dollar you pay
for the bag of feed.  My dogs do great on pedigree and my daughter
pays 50 dollars a bag for dog feed. My dogs are as healthy or more
than hers.  i dont care at all if it has soy or wheat or "by
products".  My dogs love nothing more than to dig up a rotten duck egg
they buried a year ago and when they do I can smell it a half mile
away for two weeks.  You cant even wash the smell off them cause its
on their breath.  doesnt seem to matter much if they eat a "non
specific meat source" like what, pig lips maybe?  In the county where
I live there is a little store that has been doing a booming business
for years and all they sell is home made "hogs head cheese" and
crackers.  Hog heads cheese is pig lips for humans, so is spam.  I
like Ol Roy but it makes my little ruby itchy.  But I feed my dogs ol
roy treats and I dont read the label cause I dont care and dont wanna
know.  A dog will eat their best friends or their own  bowel movement,
think about it.

My horses now, I feed high quality, because in the long run it is so
much cheaper and doesnt make them hot and they get all their
nutrients.  But dog feed and chicken feed, I buy the cheapest i can
and still get the job done.  come to think of it, thats what I do with
horses too, but it just happens that the cheapest horse feed I can get
to get the job done is expensive.  Like Jaspar right now is on equine
senior and amplify supplement.

yipie tie yie yo

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