>>>>  When he chases the other two around, I am tempted to shoo him away, but 
>>>> am afraid I'll just make things worse. 

We've rarely interfered with herd dynamics, but one case does stand out in my 
mind.  Thunder and Mac were best buddies when they were our only two horses, 
way back when.   Then, we got Holly...who promptly went into heat the day we 
brought her home.  Thunder instantly turned into a holy terror - he wouldn't 
let Holly out of his sight, and he wouldn't let Mac eat, totally terrorizing 
poor Mac.  That's when we realized the truth: two horses are friends, but three 
horses make a herd.  Mac was much bigger, but Thunder was bound and determined 
to be the boss, and in your word, not a very benevolent one.  We decided we 
couldn't take it, so Cary went out at feeding time with a lunge whip, planting 
himself right beside Mac.  He never really hit Thunder, but if Thunder lunged 
at Mac and tried to drive him from the food, Cary moved towards him and let him 
know in no uncertain terms that he HAD to let Mac eat.  It only took a couple 
of days for Thunder to realize that Cary was serious, and that Mac WOULD be 
eating, thank you very much.  Then Holly went out of heat, and they found their 
groove - surprisingly with Mac as the herd leader, a position he basically held 
until his death.  (Ok, granted, I eventually separated the old horses from the 
young whippersnappers, but he remained herd leader among the old guys.)   I'm 
sure if we were in that situation today, we'd have more "savvy" about herd 
dynamics, but honestly, looking back, I have to say that Cary did a fine job - 
being firm, but not mean. 

BTW, Thunder and Mac remained very best buddies until Mac died back in August.  
Thunder does ok without a best friend - he's in with Joe and Holly, but he 
still stays to himself a lot.  He seems content enough, but it makes me sad to 
see him alone. I'm glad Mac went first, because Mac couldn't stand for his 
little buddy to leave his sight the last couple of years.  Believe me, there 
was a time when I thought they were mortal enemies for life.  I was wrong - 
very wrong. 

I know that Falki is a very sweet guy...but you never know how herd dynamics 
will play out when you rearrange the herds.  When I first met Holly, she was a 
three-year-old in a herd of huge, older Saddlebred   brood mares.  She's only 
14H, and they were all at least 16H.  She had kick marks all over her.  I felt 
so sorry for the "poor little thing" - then she moved here and promptly became 
the dominant mare, in charge of everyone.  I can't remember the last time 
ANYONE felt sorry for Holly!  Falki was fairly low on the pecking order here, 
so go figure.  Maybe he's "drunk with power" to discover that, after all these 
years, he CAN be boss.  I have a feeling that he'll always be a meek and mild 
guy at heart - so maybe he just needs a little reminder that, just because 
Buck, Melnir and Skjoni aren't around to boss him around, it doesn't mean he 
can get away with murder.  

Do you have a Parelli carrot stick, or similar?  I'd practice just walking with 
it, and just casually swinging the string - not in a threatening way 
particularly, but JUST enough that they have to get out of your way when you 
walk through.  This is a case where "phases" of pressure are important - I 
wouldn't use any more pressure than necessary, knowing Falki can be a little 
tenderhearted - or at least he could be before his self-promoted "promotion" to 
Big Fish in a Little Pond.  I betcha it won't take much to call Falki's bluff, 
and make him be mannerly again.  As far as being dominant though - well they 
are herd animals, and there is always a little bit of a power play going on in 
any herd.   They probably will work it out on their own, but unless we just got 
unusually lucky with Mac and Thunder, I don't think it would hurt to try to 
encourage manners, at least at mealtime.  Just stay safe.

Karen Thomas
Wingate, NC

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