it is time for us to do something GOOD you guys!!  I am thinking of
all the money spent on  things this time of year, christmas candy,
cakes and pies and donuts and for excesses we are all so fortunate to
have...  but a woman lives down the street from me who has three
children under age ten and lives in one of those old egg shaped camper
trailers with a generator and a childs playhouse attached to the front
to add an extra room.  I also know someone whose husband just left
her, she has four kids and a horse and we have been giving her hay
when we can but i know she is in a struggle to make ends meet and it
would be nice to do something for her children.

I know many of you, all of you, must be aware of similar situations!!
I also know Judy tried in the past to set up an iceryder pajama fund
where we send money or pajamas to be delivered to needy children,
children who may not even have pajamas.  I know the ones down the
street from me dont, at least not good ones, because one morning I
passed by and saw the children outside in their underwear and it was
really early.

Could we set up a way Judy, to send donations to iceryder or send
actual pajamas for the Oprah pajama fund?  I am taking gift baskets
and pajamas to the needy people i just mentioned and i was thinking of
having Tivar "deliver" them and take pics so when we give the money
and pajamas we have collected to the oprah fund we can all send with
it pics of our icelandics delivering pajamas to kids...

can we set something like this up Judy?  It is really stupid for me to
spend money on donuts and candy this time of year when so much good
could be done.
yipie tie yie yo

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