On 12/10/07 9:12 PM, "Raven" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ah...Raymondville, MO... I LOVE to ride, spend a week or two there.
> It's a beautiful area!!  But yes...no way could I live there.   <;]
> When we lived in Shelbyville, we were told that we would get used to
> hearing the N word, in time.  Problem was that I didn't ever want to
> get to that place where that word and other hateful words did not
> effect me.  Now...remember this is MY experience and MY thoughts.
> Flame suit ON.
> Raven

Raven, when you talked about the N-word, I originally thought that that
referred to "Northener". Ha, shows how naïve I am. But no, I have not heard
it around here. 


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