> How cute :-)
> We have had dogs in the past.  Last year we had 2 kittens and  no tree up. 
> We had a tiny table tree. Now this year we will have a Christmas tree with 
> all the trimmings. Now our kittens are over a year old and now we have our 
> 2 outside older cats in the house. The one cat is the mum to the inside 
> cats.
> My questions are will the cats climb the tree and knock the tree down? How 
> do keep the cats from climb the tree?
> Thanks,
> Anne


Almost all cats consider Christmas trees to be large and very cool cat toys. 
Expect them to climb the tree and take precautions.  Don't hang anything 
fragile and dear to you until you are convinced that they won't climb the 
tree.  If/when you do hang frogile things, hang the high amd attach them 
securley.  Make sure that the tree is very stable.  I always hang a bunch of 
ornaments suitable for cat toys at the bottom and just replace them on the 
tree every day a they are removed.
In the evenings, get a nice glass of wine or other appropiate beverage and 
set the ornaments to moving, then sit back and enjoy the show.


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