On 12/17/07, Lorraine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Not all horses and people are a match.  I have
> sold horses to people who love them.  And I didn't get
> along with them.  Sometimes I think horses hate me.
> Although I had an Arab for 17 years.  I must have done
> something right
>  Lorraine

I have a theory...  probably just bull:)  But i believe some horses
need a firm hand and some need a gentle loving hand.  I am not good at
a firm hand.  I feel like i just cant be mean.  as a result, a horse
needing a firm hand takes advantage of me and we have problems.  A
horse needing a gentle hand, who wants no trouble, who needs babying,
seems like we get along. Like Tivar and Jaspar, if you were to
manhandle them they would balk and fight you.  But they sense I am not
mean, that i wont hurt them, and they are ok with that.  My stonewall
is a big goofball who needs a firm hand.  like someone said on here
one time i think it was, think of it like you are a stranger in an
airport in japan and you cant speak the language and you need HELP.
You arent going to want the person who is grinning and being real
friendly, you are gonna want the person who takes charge and acts
strictly business.  i think thats why we have trouble with some horses
and some we dont.

Like Jaspar and Tivar, they feel like the light at the end of every
tunnel is always a train, very wary and suspicious, but they take
charge of things, and I let them and they are good to me, take care of
me.  stonewall, i have to be very strict with, and Nasi too, or they
walk all over me.
yipie tie yie yo

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