Riding isn't a sport, the horse does all the work.

If you kept the house as neat as you do the barn, we wouldn't have to
look for things.

Sure, I can ride. I went riding on my vacation two years ago.

Your horse is only worth what someone will pay you for him.

Oh - you're going to breed her... how long will it take her to have a litter?

Gosh - your horse trailer cost more than your house!

Why do you have so many horses? You can only ride one at a time.

Geez- It's ONLY a horse!

How much did you say you paid for those shoes?

Bandit is old and you don't ride him anyway, why don't you sell him?

The way you treat that horse, you'd think it was part of your family.

I heard that Dr Phil said that owning a horse is good exercise - for
the horse.

Haven't you outgrown that horse "thing" yet?

Any phrase containing the word "hayburner"

If you spent as much time with your husband as you do your horse,
you'd have a happier marriage.

My car/boat/motorcycle just sits in the garage until I need it.

You have a Quarter Horse? Where's the rest of him?

Did you step in something? Your boots stink.

Should you still be riding at your age?

When can we come to ride?

What, I shouldn't wear flip-flops out to your barn?

Do you have any clothes besides jeans & horse t-shirts?

Why do you take lessons? I thought you knew how to ride.

You should show that horse who's boss, then he'll do what you want!

How many more times are you going to let that horse throw you off
before you give it up?

Do horses really have a personality?

Eew! Horse poop. How do you walk around here?

Doesn't it hurt when you fall off?

Your barn is cleaner than your house.

Imagine how much money you'd have if you didn't have all these horses
to feed!
You have horses... you must be RICH!

Are you sure he can breathe with that thing (girth) wrapped around his gut?

Why don't you train him to go outside like a dog, instead of in his stall?

You paid HOW much?

Laree in NC
Doppa & Mura
Simon, Sadie and Sam (the "S" gang)

"Yet when all the books have been read and reread, it boils down to
the horse, his human companion, and what goes on between them."  -
William Farley

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