I have the same feeling as Raven about horses being older. I don't think of 
them as older until after the early twenties and depending on how they wear 
there age, maybe older. I have been accused of being too leanient with my horse 
care but I have always let the older horses dictate what they want or need for 
extra care. If they piddle around in their feed I leave them in maybe over nite 
since sometimes they need to be rested but I never chain or close them in a 
stall, I leave them in a paddock alone with hay and grain and they can see all 
the horses but the other horses can't push them out of their food or pester 
them and it does make them relax and the rest is good for them. The next day 
they almost seek out play time as soon as breakfast is done. If they don't act 
like they want to go out, then I start finding out if they aren't feeling good, 
but most of the time when you have older horses, they have times when they need 
their own space and no one to bother them but they always need to be able to 
touch noses with the others and that gives them peace of mind.  Tiv sounds like 
one of my horses and a gelding of my friends. They are mature and I think a 
horse who has the potential to do anything. There is something very special 
about my Teton that makes me crazy over him and I know it isn't just me, people 
who come to my barn just love him and always want to ride him whether he wants 
them to or not. The same can be said about Spike the other gelding who is 24 or 
25 and I ride him whenever I can talk his owner into it. He and my gelding will 
play until there necks and manes are destroyed. They love and hate eachother 
and are also the head of there paddocks. They make just the slightest move of 
their butt and everyone clears the area. They aren't mean but they are leaders 
and just my opinion but I am 48 years old but I still live inside a 15-20 years 
old brain in a lot of things I do. Your horse doesn't think he or she is adult, 
they are who they are, no matter what age. I hope this makes sense, but I do 
think your Tiv has very special traits that I would take in my barn and 
cherish. Its as though they have the soul and wisdom beyond their years.

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