Yeah..well I'm coming 57 yo & guess I would be considered pretty tame from
my earlier years.  When I was 16 yo, I played rhythm guitar & sang in a S.F.
rock band .    Our band was about 32nd billing to Carlos Santana in a few
events in Golden Gate Park circa 1967 .  Also experimented with about every
drug know to man at that time...the quintessential "wild child".    I bought
my first electric 12 string guitar from Paul Kantner of the Jefferson
Airplane.  Boy...those were some memorable times  living in San Francisco
during "summer of love".   Even met Mick Jagger & Jimmy Hendricks at the
Monterrey Pop Festival.

Now I just  have an oriental healing arts practice for horses & human .  I
rarely ever eating sugar & indulge in a few sips of champagne on special
occasions .  Nothing that isn't organic or free range ever passes my lips.
The other day I caught myself thinking  "Boy, kids these days...."   about
the Goth Kids that live down the block!!    Sometimes I swear  I'm
channelling my mother .


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