Oh Nancy...I am so sad for your great loss. How long did you have
Rocky? I would like to see some photos. {{{ HUGS }}}   Sending bright
healing light to your Dad.

Back in 1998, Wizard's dam Star was very sick.  After trying to treat
Star for a few weeks with my local Vet, I finally took her to the U of
MN Vet Hospital. This was on a Monday morning. While trying to load
Star into the trailer my little Sheltie dog Freeway had a stroke. So I
ended up also taking Freeway to the U of MN with me, so she could be
checked out. We were at the U of MN...for about 10 hours. Star was
admitted, Freeway and I went home. When I got home, I went to check on
Baby Jo, my 8 year old house bunny and found her dead....by my chair.
I just lost it!!   I remember walking out to the back 40, to where Dan
was out baling hay.  When I got near the tractor, I just fell apart, I
sat there in a row of hay, just cried while my hubby hugged me and
told me that maybe I should just go back into the house as he didn't
want to be jinxed by me....while baling hay.   BTW...Star crossed the
rainbow bridge a few days later. She was such a good girl, the best
mama to Wizard.
Lucy & Molly, the Girl Doggies
Huginn & Dixie Chick, the Back Behind the Barn Ponies
Maggie Rose, the cat who makes me sneeze

Respect ALL Earthlings. We are all animals of this planet. We are all creatures.

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