> I've been watching the weather in your area Virginia and I agree...it
> seems every couple of days you have another storm to deal with.
> If it makes you feel better you can blame the American's.....The
> storms are developing south of the border  ;)....

i guess thats why they are called alberta clippers.  altho I am not
sure where alberta is.  we got an inch of rain and my ryr grass has
just exploded.  I am so tickled.  I went to let the boys in to eat rye
grass and I told donny i wish i had a video of it, it was so funny.
Tovar walked with me to open the gate to the ryr grass pasture and
when I was struggling with the latch and trying to wiggle it loose so
i oculd open it, Tivar actually stuck his nose to my hand, micro
managing the task haha

yipie tie yie yo

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