> while they realized bigger heavier shoes would make higher flashier
> action (that as you say, humans like to see).  Then they found if
> they
> bred for paciness, the big shoes would square them up to a smoother
> gait with high action.  So then of course everyone wants to breed
> to
> the WGC's right, so they started introducing hard pace into the
> breed
> and systematically breeding the signature gait from the breed 

Exactley Janice!

But when we say they are using mechanical means to make the horses
gait, and in this post you agree that they are not, then the words
fall on deaf ears.  Of course that is the underlying fear that our
beloved breed will do what the Walker Industry has done.  So if we
can talk abut that specifically and not demean or accuse show people
of doing something that is not being done, mabye then some people in
the industry will question it themselves...of why is th higher action
wanted?  Why do we want that in our breed?  But do know they do start
off with naturally gaited horses.

Baldur fra Bakka lives here permantly now, he is now my horse, and I
have to say his toelt is divine, and that is with Natural Balance
shoes....which does not lend itself to a high stepping horse.  His
gaits very well barefoot....he was a high end competition
horses...and his gaits are natural....no mechanics...

So because I personally know of some Imported horses, yes just a few,
but have ridden them, I know that they (The big They out there in the
universe) are not taking an ungaited horse and using mechanical means
to get them to gait.....I know we would all rather see them shown
with lighter kegs or barefoot....but lets concentrate on the reality
that is going on before our eyes...we do not need to say things that
just are not happening, when we do that the people who can do the
changing STOP listning.....hence 2 lists.


   Fire Island Eco-Treks-808-443-6085
   Fire Island Professional Farrier Service-640-6080

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