They are adorable, Anna. It's so nice to have little ones when you
travel - so much easier to tuck them under your arm and go.

We visited some friends for a couple of days over New Years and took
our dogs because they were invited, too. Our English Cocker is 13
years old and mostly blind and deaf now. It was amazing how within a
day she knew how to get around their house. She always wants me to be
close and learned real quickly how to find me in one of the places I
would usually be. She can see shapes if they are moving, I think, and
uses her nose quite a bit. She also feels for the vibration from
movement. It was amazing how their dogs were very patient with her
and tried to be careful of her. I am sure they knew she was
handicapped. Of course, our doofus big dobe male ran head first -
hard- into their glass sliding door within 5 minutes of getting there.
We all thought he had broken his neck, he hit so hard and it did give
him a concussion, I think. He was not steady on his feet for better
than an hour and he dragged his back leg a little for a day after
that. Scared the ____ out of us. Big dogs can do the stupidest things
- especially the males!

Laree in NC
Doppa & Mura
Simon, Sadie and Sam (the "S" gang)

"Yet when all the books have been read and reread, it boils down to
the horse, his human companion, and what goes on between them."  -
William Farley

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