On Jan 14, 2008 8:03 AM, Janice McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The
> > > best
> >   thing I ever did was buy a doggie door for our slider in the bedroom.

> do any critters ever come in??  My husband says with doggie doors you
> can get snakes and even raccoons.

--I think that could be true, but we've never had a problem (yet!?!)  The doggie
door opens onto our sunroom and then they go out through that slider to the
backyard (otherwise known as the dog yard) that has a 6 foot nonclimb horse
fencing around it and about 6 inches of cement in the ground under it all the
way around.  The cement was originally because of a dog we had that liked
to dig out of my other yard, so I had Gene put a trench around this one and
then pour cement in it.  Works quite well...

We did have a raccoon get in the yard once when we were in Alaska and the
house sitter came home to this huge commotion and when she walked around
to the back, there was a raccoon up at the top of the fence and 4 dogs barking
fiercely underneath it.  She ran over and yelled at the raccoon and it
jumped into
the horse pasture and ran off.  I figure any raccoon that goes into a yard with
4 dogs needs to be removed from the gene pool!?!  Of course, maybe it climbed
into the yard and then the dogs came racing out later...

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