...that was Sophie adding a bit of 'pizzazz' to her sit.
> It gets a little fancier every time I ask for it.

Love it! Puppies are so much fun to work with - they are like little
sponges and just soak it up.

> She loves clicker training! Now if I could just determine how to make
> her lay down...I haven't been able to wait long enough for a lay...the
> little thing never seems to do it on her own.

Using a lure as Anna suggested works most of the time. Small dogs have
a shorter distance from the mouth to the floor and don't have to reach
as much as a larger puppy so they can be more difficult. Try bringing
the lure straight down from her nose between her front legs really
slowly and then really slowly along the floor towards her belly. Did I
mention that it needs to be done slowly? :)

You can also sit on the floor with your leg straight out in front of
you raising it just off the floor. Put her on one side of your leg and
lure her under your leg. She will need to lay down to get under your
leg. Then C/T !

> Cara was the one with success with clicker training and dogs. I'm rusty at it.

Looks like you are doing a great job so far! Can't wait for the "down" video!

Sarah in MT

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