On 1/27/08, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> I was wishing I had my camera with me that day, because I would have
> >>> loved a video of it.  From his tail set it looked more 'racky' but he
> >>> didn't sustain it long enough for me to study it.
> When Janice visited here with Stonewall, I took a little video of him.  I
> would have sworn that he was racking...but all I could make out when I
> freeze-framed the video was trot, with just a stride or two of canter.  He's
> built to rack, and Janice says he does under saddle, but he really does trot
> at liberty - at least a good bit of the time.
> Karen Thomas, NC

hey you dont have to take my word, Lee Zeigler saw pics of stonewall
"gaiting" at liberty and then conformation analysis pics from the side
and she verified that he was doing "a nice big floaty trot" at liberty
and that his conformation was perfect for saddlerack.  Interestingly
when I bought him at age 15 months, the seller, a person who breeds
mccurdy horses, said "i think he is gonna be well gaited, he does a
flashy rack sometimes in the field".  But I have never, not once ever,
seen him do anything at liberty but gallop and trot.  Traveller, now,
he very often at liberty does the prettiest little gait, I havent a
clue what it is, but it is so low to the ground his toes actually puff
up sand and it is very rhythmic and smooth looking, something none of
my other horses do.  I wonder if it is what some people call a
"shuffle" which Lee says is a stepping pace.  Jaspar at liberty very
frequently looks like he is doing his stepping pace.  I have seen fox
gait at liberty many times but not sure what it is.

Runa looks to be on the RW side of things to me.  I think she has that
sweeping back end for it too.  I am not even CLOSE to being good at
guessing, but I do know a horse that does a RW has to have that
sweeping long legged rear end going on.  Traveller has it, but his
front end is so short he forges himself sometimes :)
courage is being scared to death...and saddling up anyway--John Wayne

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