>>>> The elephant is executing a gait not known to man nor beast.  I think 
>>>> they have the front feet moving forward together and then the hind feet 
>>>> moving forward together.

Somehow all I can visualize from that description would be some giant 
inch-worms sliding along!  How funny! :)

>>> But this got me to wondering what gait elephants actually do.  Hard 
>>> pace?

Elephants "lumber" right - whatever that means!?!?  Seriously, I'm not sure. 
Our good gait-ally Liz is just back from studying the gaits of elephants in 
Thailand.   We should ask her.  I'm pretty sure that camels pace - as does 
one of my barn cats.   Cary told me I was gait-obsessed the day I noticed 
Carmen the cat pacing - but then, he agreed that she does indeed pace.

Karen Thomas, NC

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