We think we figured it out :)  when my daughter came Tivar expressed
an instant aversion, almost a fearful reaction, suspicious, hanging
back.  He has never reacted to anyone like that, and she was just
wanting to adore him.  We thought she must remind him of someone he
didnt like, we just couldnt figure it out!  Then yesterday, I tried on
a pair of tall english style riding boots I have had for a long time
but they make my legs look like chicken drumsticks so I have never
worn them, but I was going walking in a lot of stickery brush.  When I
went out to the paddock Teev was studying me in that same dark way,
head down, standig as far into the pasture as possible.  WHen I walked
up to pet him and ask him whats up, I noticed he actually tilted his
head and gave my boots the hairy eyeball haha. and my daughter had
worn riding pants with english boots!   He does not like tall boots!
at all!

courage is being scared to death...and saddling up anyway--John Wayne

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