>>> I will NEVER learn.   I feel a tantrum coming on.  I can't  see pace, at 
>>> least the hard (ship rolling on a heavy sea)  pace Twist does where his 
>>> feet on one side work in sync.   I would have guessed either stepping 
>>> pace or maybe even flat walk.  I probably  should just go outside and 
>>> ride.

Never take my word for it.  I think I understand the gaits fairly well, but 
my eyes can be pretty bad.  And if there's any way to conjure up an optical 
illusion, I seem to be very talented at doing so! :)

Besides, there will probably be some points where one of us might consider a 
gait, for instance, to be a slightly-diagonal running walk, where the next 
person might consider it a towards-square foxtrot.   Believe me, if that's 
all we have to quibble over, I could care less!  Transitions confuse things 
too - and unfortunately for those of us trying to analyze gaits, horses at 
liberty are always changing speeds, and maybe changing gaits too.  I just 
assumed that Judy wanted us to look at the gait at the beginning, not as she 
slowed down.

And, btw, I should have clarified:  I think it starts as pace.  But as she 
slows, the pace gets more broken - or at least I think so.  So, I see pace 
at the beginning, barely broken, but then I see it transition down through a 
step or so of step pace, down through as step or two of  walk before she 
stops.    So, depending on where you made your decision, I may agree with 
you....assuming my eyes are working well today.

I think it's helpful when Judy shows the slow motion so that we can see the 
footfalls more clearly.  But, the downside to slo-mo is that we forget what 
the real speed is.  I've done that a couple of times - tried to assign a 
"soft gait" to the plain old ordinary walk.  Judy, I hate to be picky, but 
what might be helpful when you do these would be to tack on the original, 
actual-speed clip to the tail-end of the slo-mo, so we can be reminded of 
the speed.  (That did sound picky, didn't it...sorry!)

Karen Thomas, NC

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