---- Judy Ryder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Here's Willie:
> http://iceryder.net/videogaitwillie.html

Oh wow - he reminds me so much of the way our Rose could pace everywhere.   I 
remember trying to get her to break that gait by riding around the outside of 
the roundpen and she'd just pace right along in an arc -- no problem.   

Anyway, I'd be inclined to say hard pace.   I agree with Lynn though -- I think 
with time and a rider on his back, he'll eventually find at least a stepping 
pace or hopefully, saddle rack.  

Does Willie trot on his own out in the pasture/paddock?   If he trots, I REALLY 
think he'll work over to a saddle rack.

-- Renee M. in Michigan   

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