On Feb 24, 2008, at 8:54 AM, Debbie K. wrote:

> This is my arguement with our state parks, we can not even tie to our
> trailers, it is a NIGHT MARE here in MN, and I guess the same is true
> for IOWA... Our Local state park manager is so hard to work with
> too... ERRR..
> Tell me, do you put something up so they can not get a leg caught
> under the trailer or between the tires if they lay down? that is  why
> I prefer picketing, my guys can move a great deal on a picket line, I
> like your idea of having them move... do you do that with a picket
> too?? I always have my picket tied to my sleeping rig, so I can feel
> them... if they get into trouble..

I don't think my camping picture came through in the previous post 
(third from the bottom at: 
http://www.dslextreme.com/~lgriffith/FireMountain/), but yes, on my 
previous trailer I slipped a plywood cut-out under the wheel wells so 
the horse coulsdn't get anything caught.  But this trailer was bought 
after I had been camping and doing NATRC for several years and it has 
axles far enough apart that the horse can't get his leg caught, the 
fender has no sharp edges, and there are no sharp projections on the 
side of the trailer.  The water bucket holder keeps the bucket secure.

Lynn Kinsky, Santa Ynez, CA

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