> Okay - everyone has to use restraint here. I know the sadle is huge.<

I don't think you have any problems from this saddle by looking at it on her 
from the side. It looks like quite a nice fit. I have had to give up most of my 
treed saddles for my icelandics as I don't get the looseness they needed across 
the shoulders.I have one Aussie saddle cut wide for a halflinger and it also 
fits my draft,other than one off brand half breed saddle, I don't have anything 
else to fit mine that I would have confidence in when I set in it. I haven't 
seen any saddles like that around here that I could have tried or believe me, I 
would have. She looks very relaxed and if that is what you get when you are in 
the saddle and riding her then what could be the problem? Seems like a grand 
choice for her. Jeannette

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