On 25/02/2008, Karen Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>> For a Bob Marshall Sport Saddle?  And matching Skito pad?  I'm going
> >>>> to sell Gusti's BM, but I don't know what to ask.
> Are you going to put it on ebay?  They typically sell well there.  But, a
> hint: people will really be getting riding fever by mid-March, into May.  If
> I were you, I'd wait a couple of weeks to list it.

That's probably where I'll place it.  I really need to purge.  I have
trouble parting with good saddles though...  I keep thinking I should
keep a particular saddle because it might fit Solon (that's my
reasoning anyway)...

At one point, I had a whole box of things gathered up ready to sell on
Ebay.  I've found that I've gradually picked my way through them
again, and they've found their way back to the tack shed.

Anyone need some yearling halters?  Something that will fit a two year
old?  OR how about a miniature foal halter (oh...I can't part with
that..it's too cute).

The name 'pack rat' really hits a nerve with me ;).


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