> > She made progress with him, But he needs constant
> work and I don't have time.  When I sent for him I
> didn't realize how green he was.  My husband loves
> him
> but wont ride.  He shouldn't be just a pet.

That's understandable.  I have a QH/welsh cross that
I've been working with for 2 1/2 years and he's still
not where I'd like him to be.  Sometimes I wonder if
we'll ever get there, and I go back and forth about
whether to keep him or not.  But, with horses a dime a
dozen right now, I think, "who would want him?"  I
won't let him go to just "anybody".  I love him and
want the best for him.  Sometimes we are just not good
matches! :- )  I hope you find a good home for Dagur. 
He's a great deal for an Icelandic! 

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