>>>> She doesn't have Yrsa's sweet little girl expression, but she's a 
>>>> delight to be around.

She sounds lovely, Nancy.  I'm so happy she's being so good for you.

I normally let Shirley do the first few rides on my young horses - since I 
broke my back six years ago, I'm a little wimpy about a few things and the 
first ride is one of them.  I'm usually on them by maybe the 4th or 5th ride 
however.  This year, though, work, then the flu, then pneumonia all got in 
the way, so I just told Shirley to keep on going with her.  She's been 
riding her only about once or twice a week - so the progress hasn't been too 
fast, just steady. Today, though was my day.  Cary wasn't out with the 
camera, but I took a quick ride on her in the arena.  She feels nice and 
stable.  Her steering isn't perfect yet, and she's still a little prone to 
stop and go, but she's not nervous or jumpy.  She's a nice size for me - 
reasonably broad, but not so wide that I feel like I'm sitting on a table 

Karen Thomas, NC 

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