> These types of studies where they set out to prove that it is "safe"
> really irk me.  You can take assumptions and make data fit to get your
> point.  Note that they use the word 'humane' instead of safe or good
> for the horse.  The last line says an awful lot too.  'The horse is
> fragile' - so don't put them in such a high risk situation.  Racing
> and eventing would never be considered humane enough to be allowed to
> occur if it were starting now.  Too much money, power and history to
> put a stop to it now.  Kind of like insurance companies.  We let them
> become way too rich and powerful to think that we could ever to go a
> health system without it.

My thought was that the study was confined to the cannon bone... what about 
the horse's back?


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