On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 8:28 PM, susan cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> for a seperate credit card, have it sent to your
> mother's address, and have your saddle sent there.

susan susan susan, my gosh like we need some more IDEAS on how to
totally abuse our husbands...  but what I do actually, i find i look
guilty if caught right after the fact, right after it arrives.  So i
put it in my car trunk for about two weeks.  Then move it to the tack
room in the horse trailer.  Let it get dusty, hay sprigs all over it,
then put it on the horses and take pictures, get some horse hair on
it. Then when he sees it, i go "WHAT??!  This old rag??  I have had it
forEVER, look, i have pictures of it somewhere from when i first got
it..."  no lie there see??  and because it IS old to me by then, I am
able to maintain that perfect poker face so necessary in the horse
ownership business.

even good horses have bad days sometimes.

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