I took Nanna up the mountain today armed with
thermometer, alcohol soaked cotten pads (for cleaning
the thermometer) and notepad. (I successfully attached
my new Stowaway pack to the saddle, too)  I got off
and walked her up the steepest part of the road, like
I did last week and took her temp when I got to the
top. It was 100.5 and it was 99.7 before we left the
house. Nanna was also sweating some, but, still not as
much as the other Icy. I took the other Icy's temp and
it was 100.0. We kept going and the terrain was up and
down and flat, but, not nearly as steep as that first
hill. I took her temp a few more times and the highest
it got was 101.4. She also got more sweaty and was
sweating on her neck and chest.  The outdoor temp was
around 70 degrees and sunny.  So, I feel very hopeful
that she's going to be alright.  I'll continue to
monitor her on our rides and I'm going to hold off
giving her the One AC unless it becomes more apparent
that she needs it.  Just wanted to let you guys know
how things were going.


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