On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 11:07:33AM -0400, Karen Thomas wrote:
> >>> i replied.  that teev hates bareback.  apparently not one of my more 
> >>> memorable posts :)
> Apparently about as memorable to some people as all of the many video links 
> Judy has sent in of her riding various horses bareback...as my frequent 
> links to the Balance Saddles International Remedial program website, the 
> multiple posts to the Passenger Game (which can be done with or without a 
> saddle)...and about as memorable as the starting young horse videos I've 
> sent with bareback pads on many horses...and about as memorable as the pics 
> of the two new bareback pads I've tried lately.  (Baretek and Phantom by 
> Ghost, btw.)

i don't actually get to watch most of the video pointers, as i do most
of my computer-stuff at work (i made an exception for stan hirson's
stuff about saddle fit, which further contributed to my desire to
discuss bareback riding.  but that said, that's what i want to do, is
*discuss*.  not watch videos of judy and you, talk about starting young
horses (which i see as unrelated to why i'm asking), or read webpage links.  
i am also not clear when "bareback" and "bareback pad" beecame equivalent;
i have had only one experience of the latter and didn't like it at all, 
which is why i asked about those issues in an earlier post.

--vicka (not a visual learner, as i think i've mentioned before)

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