I don't normally feed any treat to my horses except apples and carrots. Each 
noght before I go to bed, I go out with a few cut up apples and 2 carrots 
for each horse (3 horses, 1 mule). They expect it each night! Well, it was 
my birthday recently and a non horsey friend came by with a gift. It was a 
bag of horse treats. The brand is called DUMOUR ...I guess a play on words 
for Do More but making them sound french??? who knows... Anyway.... they 
have molasses and a few vitamins and some other stuff (corn and some 
grain)... Not anything super great for them, just a sweet treat. THEY LOVE 
THEM!!!!! It's so funny, even I love the way they smell. As soon as they 
smell them they are wanting them. I bet they'd be great for training treats.
Just thought I'd ramble a bit about thm. I'm amazed because they haven't 
ever seen treats like these before and usually my horses/mule are suspicious 
of new foods. Must be the molasses

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